
2020-03-05 13:43:33 作者:Phillip Jarrell 来源:东方网



(图片来源:Phillip Jarrell) 

每天,我手机上都会收到上海市各部委发布的有关疫情的短信,上面还附有相关部门的官网链接,我会用翻译工具浏览这些网站。我收到的短信是中文的,所以我需要把它们谷歌翻译一遍。新冠病毒的感染病例数,确实令人震惊,然后我会搜索上海本地的情况,查看我附近的疫情动态。当然我也知道,染上病毒的几率很小,但鉴于这种病毒的性质和特征还是未知,被传染的可能性还是很高的。我不禁想起了小时候看过的一些电影情节。不过,我成长在一个军人家庭, 对这种事有一种先天的应对方式——为了以防万一,我们家总会囤积一箱又一箱的罐头食品。 






本文作者:Phillip Jarrell


Phillip Jarrell’s log: Stocking Up On Daily Necessities 

I am a photographer, video director, singer, songwriter, and music producer. 

Every year I stay in Shanghai alone during the Chinese New Year. This time of the year being the darkest, longest nights, coldest days, there is a real sense of gloom anyway, but there was plenty of news about the virus in Wuhan coming out before and during the exodus of friends leaving Shanghai. So I was very concerned about their safety.  

As my dearest friend was on a fast train passing through Wuhan, and we were extremely glad to find once the train stopped in Wuhan the platform was empty and no one was allow to get on the train. That was a close call. People were allowed to get off.  

(Photo courtesy of Phillip Jarrell) 

Daily I got text message to my phone which lead me to the official virus website, and was able to get the Chrome browser to translate most of the pages. The phone messages are in Chinese so I needed to copy them into the google translator in my phone. The numbers on the virus were pretty shocking and I would search the count for Shanghai, and then to see if any were in my local area. I could understand that my chance of getting the virus was very small, but the possibility was very real considering the nature of the virus and the fact that its character was not fully understood yet. I was surprised that I knew a lot about this type situation from movies I saw when I was a child. Also the fact that I grew up in a military family gives me a type of innate knowledge about such things. We always had boxes of canned foods in our home in case of sudden emergency.   

My assessment of the situation went like this, find the mask I have somewhere. Go to the supermarket and buy a pack of plastic gloves, the type you hold fried foods with, a pack of 80 pieces. Cleaning materials, like Clorox, and masks which were already all sold out.  

It is normal that things are not restocked quickly during the CNY. I see they are back in stock now. I contacted a Chinese friend to go to a City Shop to check if they had any Lysol products which is an American brand that can Kill 99.9 % of the bad things in the world. She found it and was so kind as to gift me 4 paper masks.

Next on the list was gloves to wear while cleaning and cooking. Then for foods, to buy as much as possible that would last as long as possible. Thinking if it gets worse and I can’t go out to the super market again, what would last as long as possible. 

I bought foods like vegetables that last 3 or 4 days, potatoes and carrots which can last for weeks, dried beans, noodles, frozen and powdered foods can last for months. Packaged cakes, dried fruits, raisins, nuts, rice can last for months. 

Normally I filter and cook my water anyway. All of this while trying to create some healthy meals, that I would actually enjoy eating. 

This was not just a survive-and-hide project, it was a get healthy and stay positive project.

(Image courtesy of the Internet)

(Story by Phillip Jarrell)
